ALF 2024 Final program

Thursday, November 7th, 2024


08:30-10:00 SESSION 1: Screening in hepatology

          Chairs: Grgurevic I, Skladany L

Current non-invasive screening algorithms and their limitations | Tsochatzis EA

Screening for liver disease in general population | Graupera I / Gines P

Is it the time for personalized screening of HCC? | Frankova S

Screening for a rare liver disease: Gaucher disease | Smolic R

Panel discussion: can we improve early detection of liver disease? | Mikolasevic I

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00  SESSION 2: Portal hypertension

       Chairs: Filipec-Kanizaj T, Frankova S 

TIPS for bleeding esophageal varices | Garcia-Pagan JC

The role and limitations of HVPG | Procopet B

HVPG in the real life: 10-year cirrhosis registry study | Skladany L

Kidney injury in advanced liver cirrhosis | Sperl I

Further decompensation of liver cirrhosis | Grgurevic I

12:00-13:00  Lunch

13:00-14:15  SESSION 3: Screening in hepatology

         Chairs: Jarcuska P, Virović Jukić L

HCV therapy in different real world patient populations | Flisiak R

HBV - what's new in the guidelines in 2024 | Jaroszewicz J

Reactivation of viral hepatitis in patients on immunosupressive tx | Hrstic I

Infection Model for HCV Vaccine Development | Hunyadi B

14:15-14:30  Coffee break

14:30-15:45 SESSION 3: Screening in hepatology

          Chairs: Jarcuska P, Virović Jukić L

PBC treatment: current status and perspectives | Milic S

New steps forward in the prevention and treatment of decompensated cirrhosis and ACLF and the significance of biomarkers | Papp M

Cardiovascular risk in Liver Disease | Drazilova S

Plasma exchange for acute-on-chronic liver failure | Volkanovska A